Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Is the use of force to society necessary or justifiable?

I'd like to begin by defining what force is. 
FORCE:a powerful effect or influence
Synonyms would be:
Coerce: to cause to do through pressure or necessity, by physical, moral or intellectual means. 
Impel: urge or force (a person) to an action; constrain or motivate.

We live in a democratic country wherein the law is loosely implemented and the justice system is run by cavemen. At least in my point of view of our society (and I shall stick with society in general of the Philippines) is that it is stubborn and will manage to stay like that. Only few will choose to stand out and make a difference in their daily actions. And so this is why there is such a thing as a legal use of force. Since a large number of the society will choose not to bend or presumably defy such rules the use of force becomes a necessity. The existence of the police, traffic enforcers, judges and lawyers make sure that we are apprehended or given penalty for each crime or offense that we do and hopefully this becomes a lesson but unfortunately we live in a poverty stricken archipelago where survival is the only way you get through the day and when greed takes over we disregard rules. It doesn't matter if the survey says that crime rates went down or high we all know its everywhere from pick-pockets, akyat bahay, kidnapping etc. to corrupt officials stealing from projects or evading taxes any way you look at it, its stealing. Whether it may have to do with killing someone or having a traffic violation, everyone has done it and like BDO: we find ways to not get caught and even laugh about it not thinking of the consequences of our actions. 

But we see that there are contradicting issues here. I think the use of force is essential because it instills fear and discipline like in the time of Marcos. It was harsh and unreasonable but look at how the nation rose up as a whole.
Then at the same time, to force others is like provoking a child, the more you insist something they cannot accept or can somehow not be done because of certain needs they outsmart the law and go around it not to justify their deeds but they just think the lawmakers are being too uptight or they'll hopefully get away with it anyway since they can afford hiding themselves from being caught. It's a vicious cycle of people getting away with things, and the rest of the Filipino people are affected by every little crime committed. With this comes uncertainty and acceptance that our way of life may never improve because many people do no take responsibility of their actions and leave other people suffering. This is why I think the use of force IS necessary to our society. Force that is applied  in a way where it does not exceed our limits as humans such a taking someone else's life because of the committed crime. A catholic nation should know very well that we should not treat every case as if "an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth". Instead we judge them accordingly until they are corrected in solitary confinement. I'm not saying bring back dictatorship, I do not promote this kind of government and don't get me wrong I love the democracy that this country has but the measures that we take to uphold the law must be taken seriously and be taken to a higher level. We lack having this principle of standing to what is right and judging those who need to be judged. We are easily manipulated by bribes or threats that we allow the evils of society to continue their deeds. To me this is just half of the work that is needed to be done. The other half is the discipline that the Filipinos have to have in order to balance that immense force that is already being implemented loosely.

Filipinos have to change so many things about themselves and be more aware that there is still a law above them. 
So in summary, I believe that the society is in need of force. It is crucial in making people aware that our misbehavior is not negotiable in any way so we have the responsibility of not being ignorant of the law. It is necessary in a time where the definition of democracy is abused and that our every action is slowly leading towards anarchy.

So in the words of yoda - may the force be with you, always. :)

1 comment:

  1. Hah, nice ending. I like how you explore your ideas and your expository writing style. The dilemma is evident but you are clear about your stand. If you haven't read Maria Ressa's article, something she posted recently and has been making the rounds ins twitter/facebook, I'd like to point you to it. I hope you get the time to read it and comment on it.
