Thursday, April 14, 2011


Reaction to New Yorker in Tondo

To begin with I like the humor of this staged play simply because it shows the realities of OFW’s returning to the Philippines and showing this lack of patriotism after experiencing life in greener pastures. Unfortunately, Pinoy comedy is such a sad thing to watch now that it is filled with bisexual humor and somehow this represents a huge group of people in society.  It’s funny in an exaggerated way and it’s amusing for a while but every time I watch a play it saddens me that we draw that humor from examples that we normally are not proud of as a nation.  But then comedy draws from human flaws and we have a lot to get from those in the lower class citizens.  But at the end there is a mix of tragedy in it and despite the comedy infused in this play the good traits come out of the main characters and it teaches us that we cannot forget our roots and our relationship with those we’ve left behind are more important despite the time we have spent overseas.

            I also remembered that it covered most flawed characters in Filipino society which are the gay people, pre-marital pregnancy, arrogant overseas workers and the jejemons. From an educated and cultured person’s point of view, we laugh are every move they make. Everything that they do that was normal and acted out in the play are if not disgusting are off of what we think should be done around other people and so we laugh at it. This is what I classify as scatological humor because it hits on particular parts of society.

Reaction on Amelie

            This wonderful French movie is really creative and cinematography is absolutely brilliant. It really captures its audience but a bit draggy in the middle. It makes you not notice the kinkiness of the film but on how Amelie is very creative in plotting her good deeds. Although the quick flashes of sex, odd pictures and ideas make it humorous for the audience. I think that the way that the thoughts of most of the characters and their backgrounds are presented in the movie are also comedic in a way that their flaws make them look very peculiar to the point that you don’t see too much of these people intermingling all at the same time.

Characters that were presented were not perfect at all. It was filled with introverts, a special kid, insecure women, guys with weird hobbies, obsessive compulsive people and etc. In the real world we laugh at this people, we laugh at how different they think and move around others and even when not around other people. We laugh at their misfortunes and when tragedy strikes them when they deserve it. This is comedy at its finest, a mix of romantic comedy and screwball comedy. Nothing too exaggerated as its comedy plays in your head and it makes you laugh but not in a shallow way because as you realize the comedy behind every situation it shows also the good traits of people and how remarkable humans act despite being different and flawed.

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